Friday 19 July 2013

The night before camp and all is quiet...

Another summer camp seems to have come around extraordinarily quickly!

Tomorrow we are off for yet another summer camp but, sadly, my last as Scout Leader.

I have been in contact with camp and all is ready for our arrival - two marquees, one pavilion, two store tents and a bundle of sleeping tents are already up.  The only hitch thus far is that Mrs Maher has left our double airbed at home, unfortunately this means that she is on the ground tonight.  Still, I'll try not to worry too much as I snuggle down to sleep tonight in our very comfy bed at home!

A huge thanks to Nick Day and all on the advance party.  They have worked hard and done a wonderful job to get everything in good shape for our arrival.  I understand that they had an excellent supper of sausage, egg and chips tonight.  A fine reward for a hard day's work.

See you at the parish hall tomorrow.  Let's hope the sun keeps shining!