Day Three - Happy Hiking
We awoke this morning to clear skies and sunshine. Soon the call of 'stores' was coming from the food department and not long afterwards the smell of sizzling sausages was wafting across the camp site.
Sunny mornings on camp make for the perfect start to the day. There is an established routine that kicks in and everyone goes about their morning with a sense of industry and purpose obviously made all the easier by the gentle warmth of the morning sun.
Monday is traditionally hike day on camp and so the first and second year set off for Dunkery Beacon via Webber's Post and the third and fourth year set off on identical hikes (though in the opposite direction) to Selworthy Beacon. After all this industry, a dip in the river to cool off and a visit to the cream tea shop was deemed appropriate.
For some boys, the cream tea shop is a chance to have an ice cream or milkshake but others have a more refined palate so sit and enjoy scones, jam, clotted cream and a pot of tea - so quintessentially British! The part I enjoy most is watching the boys sit and chat to one another, share a joke or gently rib one another about some event that has happened that day. I hope it is something they will continue to do for a long time to come.
So day passed into evening and around the dinner table (Korma with the Panthers for me) we discussed the merits of Brexit and what it means for Britain, our new Prime Minister and who might be gunged if the Pls or HQ win. A more juxtaposed conversation you could not have!
After evening inspection the lads had free time and engaged in a voluntary game of cricket, or wrote letters home or sat and chatted with friends. I read the Guardian and enjoyed a glass of Chilean Merlot. It's a tough life down on camp!
Night prayers and evening parade were soon upon us and day three was all but done though it could be day thirty-three given how settled we all seem to be!