Friday, 29 July 2016

Day 6

Day 6 - Free Day

The first Thursday of camp always seems to be a bit of a shock. Suddenly, you have been on camp for six days and the time has simply flown by and yet it also feels like we have been here forever.

This morning there was a misty drizzle in the air but the smell of cooking bacon revived any possible flagging spirits. The boys were dressed in their scout uniform in preparation for the free day and it was an ideal opportunity to bet a picture of every patrol. A car wash the previous night meant all were looking respectable and, more importantly, smelling respectable!

At 10.45 we all decamped to the car park behind Horner hamlet where to coaches were waiting to tale us to Taunton.

Once in town the lads, first and second year accompanied by junior HQ and third and fourth in groups of no less than three, went for a swim, visited the local fast food joints and ensured that Poundland will be staying in business for quite a while longer.

Meanwhile the Senior HQ returned to the Castle Hotel for light lunch (!!) and some civilised conversation. We have been going to the Castle for some years now and we are always given a wonderful reception. There we sit in our blue scout t-shirts amongst the tweed clad gentleman and pearl adorned ladies as if this was where we were meant to be. Someone always asks where we come from and why we are here and never fails to look shocked when we tell them that we are camping in filed for two weeks with no showers with 60 odd scouts! Quite what they make of us all I have no idea! However, the food was delightful and far superior to McDonalds!

Despite some showers during the day the sun was blazing on our return to camp and soon stores was once again issued and dinner was being prepared. I'm not sure that I was quite ready for steak fajitas but I showed willing and persevered!

Mr Causton has left us for a few days to be best man to Jonnie McGrath an ex-9th scout and currently serving in the army. We wish him and his new wife every blessing for a long and happy marriage. You will be very much in our thoughts and prayers on Saturday.

However, as some HQ leave and return to work, new ones arrive ready to resume where others left off. Some, like Mr Day, after climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. However, the pace and rhythm of life on camp goes on unaffected and so we move towards night prayers and another successful day on camp.