Day 7 - Army Day
The morning started with a bang - literally! Though Mr Starke had set reveille at the leisurely time of 09.00 the HQ assembled in the small marquee put camouflage paint on their faces and launched themselves on the Troop at 08.40 with smoke bombs, horrifyingly loud bangers and blood curdling screams.
It's all too much for my delicate system first thing in the morning. So I made a pot of coffee and watched the carnage from a safe and discreet distance!
Soon boys were running around the field, still in their pyjamas, before being issued with compulsory green army t-shirts and having their faces painted green, black and brown. Field-Marshall Starke barked out instructions for the day. Thus our peaceful haven in a little corner of Somerset was transformed into a snarling, barking, hard-nosed army base!
All sorts of military themed activities took place after inspection that involved stealing bombs, being kidnapped by masked assailants, walking across the countryside in groups and hills protecting a precious cargo and avoiding the vigilantes!
It was all quite exhausting but a great way to draw a line under the first week.
We now move to the weekend and the pace of camp changes. Saturday will see the mid-camp party followed by a sleepy Sunday and then the start of the APLs competition. Before we know it, we will be well into the second week and camp will nearly be over.
For now, however, it's time to enjoy a cream tea!
Friday, 29 July 2016
Day 6
Day 6 - Free Day
The first Thursday of camp always seems to be a bit of a shock. Suddenly, you have been on camp for six days and the time has simply flown by and yet it also feels like we have been here forever.
This morning there was a misty drizzle in the air but the smell of cooking bacon revived any possible flagging spirits. The boys were dressed in their scout uniform in preparation for the free day and it was an ideal opportunity to bet a picture of every patrol. A car wash the previous night meant all were looking respectable and, more importantly, smelling respectable!
At 10.45 we all decamped to the car park behind Horner hamlet where to coaches were waiting to tale us to Taunton.
Once in town the lads, first and second year accompanied by junior HQ and third and fourth in groups of no less than three, went for a swim, visited the local fast food joints and ensured that Poundland will be staying in business for quite a while longer.
Meanwhile the Senior HQ returned to the Castle Hotel for light lunch (!!) and some civilised conversation. We have been going to the Castle for some years now and we are always given a wonderful reception. There we sit in our blue scout t-shirts amongst the tweed clad gentleman and pearl adorned ladies as if this was where we were meant to be. Someone always asks where we come from and why we are here and never fails to look shocked when we tell them that we are camping in filed for two weeks with no showers with 60 odd scouts! Quite what they make of us all I have no idea! However, the food was delightful and far superior to McDonalds!
Despite some showers during the day the sun was blazing on our return to camp and soon stores was once again issued and dinner was being prepared. I'm not sure that I was quite ready for steak fajitas but I showed willing and persevered!
Mr Causton has left us for a few days to be best man to Jonnie McGrath an ex-9th scout and currently serving in the army. We wish him and his new wife every blessing for a long and happy marriage. You will be very much in our thoughts and prayers on Saturday.
However, as some HQ leave and return to work, new ones arrive ready to resume where others left off. Some, like Mr Day, after climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. However, the pace and rhythm of life on camp goes on unaffected and so we move towards night prayers and another successful day on camp.
The first Thursday of camp always seems to be a bit of a shock. Suddenly, you have been on camp for six days and the time has simply flown by and yet it also feels like we have been here forever.
This morning there was a misty drizzle in the air but the smell of cooking bacon revived any possible flagging spirits. The boys were dressed in their scout uniform in preparation for the free day and it was an ideal opportunity to bet a picture of every patrol. A car wash the previous night meant all were looking respectable and, more importantly, smelling respectable!
At 10.45 we all decamped to the car park behind Horner hamlet where to coaches were waiting to tale us to Taunton.
Once in town the lads, first and second year accompanied by junior HQ and third and fourth in groups of no less than three, went for a swim, visited the local fast food joints and ensured that Poundland will be staying in business for quite a while longer.
Meanwhile the Senior HQ returned to the Castle Hotel for light lunch (!!) and some civilised conversation. We have been going to the Castle for some years now and we are always given a wonderful reception. There we sit in our blue scout t-shirts amongst the tweed clad gentleman and pearl adorned ladies as if this was where we were meant to be. Someone always asks where we come from and why we are here and never fails to look shocked when we tell them that we are camping in filed for two weeks with no showers with 60 odd scouts! Quite what they make of us all I have no idea! However, the food was delightful and far superior to McDonalds!
Despite some showers during the day the sun was blazing on our return to camp and soon stores was once again issued and dinner was being prepared. I'm not sure that I was quite ready for steak fajitas but I showed willing and persevered!
Mr Causton has left us for a few days to be best man to Jonnie McGrath an ex-9th scout and currently serving in the army. We wish him and his new wife every blessing for a long and happy marriage. You will be very much in our thoughts and prayers on Saturday.
However, as some HQ leave and return to work, new ones arrive ready to resume where others left off. Some, like Mr Day, after climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. However, the pace and rhythm of life on camp goes on unaffected and so we move towards night prayers and another successful day on camp.
Thursday, 28 July 2016
Day 5
Day 5 - Zonal Adventures
Wednesday proved to be another fantastic day on camp. The sun shone from dawn 'till dusk, the lads were on fantastic form and the HQ were working hard to make sure the activities were that little bit extra special.
In the morning the Troop completed a round of silly incidents which built towards the afternoon's zonal adventures. There were five zones - pirate zone, jungle zone, river zone, amazon zone and swamp zone. In each zone one patrol competed against another to claim a crystal (a stone painted red, yellow, blue, black or green!). The zones were marked out by wonderful signs and notices made by Mr Harman and his team which warned fearless adventurers to beware of the beast or mind the swamp or deadly waters! First, having braved these warnings, the patrols had to answer a riddle such as the poor have it, the rich need it and if you eat it you will die, the correct answer would give them an advantage in the challenge ahead. They then would pit their wits against each other running an assault course or seeking out hidden treasures or avoiding being caught by marauding Amazonian warriors (junior HQ). All silly nonsense really but great fun.
I always tell the HQ that if they really commit to the activity, no matter how simple or seemingly ridiculous, then the activity can become a great adventure. Dutifully, they attacked the zonal challenge with vigour and enthusiasm and we had a great afternoon of activities that cost next to nothing and everyone enjoyed. When you hear scouts walking away from a challenge saying 'that was great fun' you know that you have done your job!
The evening saw the first leg of the PLs vs HQ football match. Despite some interesting refereeing decisions the HQ were run away winners 5 - 0. A quick dip in the river was well received afterwards and then cocoa, biscuits, year group meetings and night prayers.
Another day done and amazingly we are moving towards the end of the first week. Time deceives you on camp. You have no sense of day or time and no access to modern technology. Quite a tonic really.
Wednesday proved to be another fantastic day on camp. The sun shone from dawn 'till dusk, the lads were on fantastic form and the HQ were working hard to make sure the activities were that little bit extra special.
In the morning the Troop completed a round of silly incidents which built towards the afternoon's zonal adventures. There were five zones - pirate zone, jungle zone, river zone, amazon zone and swamp zone. In each zone one patrol competed against another to claim a crystal (a stone painted red, yellow, blue, black or green!). The zones were marked out by wonderful signs and notices made by Mr Harman and his team which warned fearless adventurers to beware of the beast or mind the swamp or deadly waters! First, having braved these warnings, the patrols had to answer a riddle such as the poor have it, the rich need it and if you eat it you will die, the correct answer would give them an advantage in the challenge ahead. They then would pit their wits against each other running an assault course or seeking out hidden treasures or avoiding being caught by marauding Amazonian warriors (junior HQ). All silly nonsense really but great fun.
I always tell the HQ that if they really commit to the activity, no matter how simple or seemingly ridiculous, then the activity can become a great adventure. Dutifully, they attacked the zonal challenge with vigour and enthusiasm and we had a great afternoon of activities that cost next to nothing and everyone enjoyed. When you hear scouts walking away from a challenge saying 'that was great fun' you know that you have done your job!
The evening saw the first leg of the PLs vs HQ football match. Despite some interesting refereeing decisions the HQ were run away winners 5 - 0. A quick dip in the river was well received afterwards and then cocoa, biscuits, year group meetings and night prayers.
Another day done and amazingly we are moving towards the end of the first week. Time deceives you on camp. You have no sense of day or time and no access to modern technology. Quite a tonic really.
Wednesday, 27 July 2016
Day Four
Day 4 - Soulful Singing
Tuesday morning started slightly overcast and the odd drizzle teased the patrols as they flirted between eating in or out for breakfast. The morning followed this pattern until lunchtime when the sun finally burnt off the clouds and sunlight burst through.
The activities for the day were swapped and the second round of the Horner Shield filled the morning slot. As the battle intensifies and the group stage draws to a close some patrols have definitely realised that it's not their year while others dream of golden boots and the honour of their name on the coveted shield.
Lunch followed a similar format to most days - baguettes, choice of filling (ham, cheese, pate, brie, tuna, etc....) with a selection of chutneys, crisps, fruit and a chocolate biscuit of some description.
By now the sun had come out which boded well for the river activities. Though Horner Water is undoubtedly beautiful it could not be even remotely described as warm. As I can testify having gone in for a wash while the boys were on their hikes. My eight year old delighted in pouring buckets of freezing cold water over my head so that I could wash the shampoo out of my hair!
The river activities seemed to go well and stores were issued and dinner served. Pork escalope with spaghetti in tomato sauce. Mine was delicious!
As evening came the dreaded midges also started to arrive. Hungry after a day of idleness I guess. Though people often talk of tics at Horner they have been relatively small this year and have caused some discomfort but little cause for concern. The midges however.....
Twice on camp we have a camp fire where we sit around, sing songs and simply enjoy ourselves. Last night's was a smasher. The boys got really involved, the fire burned brightly and the marshmallows and hot chocolate were well received. Mr Orbell led us in prayers and an almost perfect day on camp came to a close.
Tuesday morning started slightly overcast and the odd drizzle teased the patrols as they flirted between eating in or out for breakfast. The morning followed this pattern until lunchtime when the sun finally burnt off the clouds and sunlight burst through.
The activities for the day were swapped and the second round of the Horner Shield filled the morning slot. As the battle intensifies and the group stage draws to a close some patrols have definitely realised that it's not their year while others dream of golden boots and the honour of their name on the coveted shield.
Lunch followed a similar format to most days - baguettes, choice of filling (ham, cheese, pate, brie, tuna, etc....) with a selection of chutneys, crisps, fruit and a chocolate biscuit of some description.
By now the sun had come out which boded well for the river activities. Though Horner Water is undoubtedly beautiful it could not be even remotely described as warm. As I can testify having gone in for a wash while the boys were on their hikes. My eight year old delighted in pouring buckets of freezing cold water over my head so that I could wash the shampoo out of my hair!
The river activities seemed to go well and stores were issued and dinner served. Pork escalope with spaghetti in tomato sauce. Mine was delicious!
As evening came the dreaded midges also started to arrive. Hungry after a day of idleness I guess. Though people often talk of tics at Horner they have been relatively small this year and have caused some discomfort but little cause for concern. The midges however.....
Twice on camp we have a camp fire where we sit around, sing songs and simply enjoy ourselves. Last night's was a smasher. The boys got really involved, the fire burned brightly and the marshmallows and hot chocolate were well received. Mr Orbell led us in prayers and an almost perfect day on camp came to a close.
Tuesday, 26 July 2016
Day Three
Day Three - Happy Hiking
We awoke this morning to clear skies and sunshine. Soon the call of 'stores' was coming from the food department and not long afterwards the smell of sizzling sausages was wafting across the camp site.
Sunny mornings on camp make for the perfect start to the day. There is an established routine that kicks in and everyone goes about their morning with a sense of industry and purpose obviously made all the easier by the gentle warmth of the morning sun.
Monday is traditionally hike day on camp and so the first and second year set off for Dunkery Beacon via Webber's Post and the third and fourth year set off on identical hikes (though in the opposite direction) to Selworthy Beacon. After all this industry, a dip in the river to cool off and a visit to the cream tea shop was deemed appropriate.
For some boys, the cream tea shop is a chance to have an ice cream or milkshake but others have a more refined palate so sit and enjoy scones, jam, clotted cream and a pot of tea - so quintessentially British! The part I enjoy most is watching the boys sit and chat to one another, share a joke or gently rib one another about some event that has happened that day. I hope it is something they will continue to do for a long time to come.
So day passed into evening and around the dinner table (Korma with the Panthers for me) we discussed the merits of Brexit and what it means for Britain, our new Prime Minister and who might be gunged if the Pls or HQ win. A more juxtaposed conversation you could not have!
After evening inspection the lads had free time and engaged in a voluntary game of cricket, or wrote letters home or sat and chatted with friends. I read the Guardian and enjoyed a glass of Chilean Merlot. It's a tough life down on camp!
Night prayers and evening parade were soon upon us and day three was all but done though it could be day thirty-three given how settled we all seem to be!
We awoke this morning to clear skies and sunshine. Soon the call of 'stores' was coming from the food department and not long afterwards the smell of sizzling sausages was wafting across the camp site.
Sunny mornings on camp make for the perfect start to the day. There is an established routine that kicks in and everyone goes about their morning with a sense of industry and purpose obviously made all the easier by the gentle warmth of the morning sun.
Monday is traditionally hike day on camp and so the first and second year set off for Dunkery Beacon via Webber's Post and the third and fourth year set off on identical hikes (though in the opposite direction) to Selworthy Beacon. After all this industry, a dip in the river to cool off and a visit to the cream tea shop was deemed appropriate.
For some boys, the cream tea shop is a chance to have an ice cream or milkshake but others have a more refined palate so sit and enjoy scones, jam, clotted cream and a pot of tea - so quintessentially British! The part I enjoy most is watching the boys sit and chat to one another, share a joke or gently rib one another about some event that has happened that day. I hope it is something they will continue to do for a long time to come.
So day passed into evening and around the dinner table (Korma with the Panthers for me) we discussed the merits of Brexit and what it means for Britain, our new Prime Minister and who might be gunged if the Pls or HQ win. A more juxtaposed conversation you could not have!
After evening inspection the lads had free time and engaged in a voluntary game of cricket, or wrote letters home or sat and chatted with friends. I read the Guardian and enjoyed a glass of Chilean Merlot. It's a tough life down on camp!
Night prayers and evening parade were soon upon us and day three was all but done though it could be day thirty-three given how settled we all seem to be!
Sunday, 24 July 2016
We Have Arrived!
Evening Everyone!
After a six hour journey thanks to slow moving traffic on m25 and m5, the boys finally arrived on site around 1500. They set to work putting up their patrol storm havens and kitchen shelters which will be their home for the next fortnight!
The site is in excellent shape and we've had a mix of dry sunny spells as well as some showers (pleasant for fellow hayfever sufferers!).
Sean Maher will be updating this blog regularly from tomorrow once all is settled on site, and Mike Orbell will be emailing all parents to remind them about this very blog. In the meantime, if you do speak to any parents of the 9th, so please point them in this direction.
The site looked fantastic this morning just before reveille, and below is a picture.
More updates to come, but fingers crossed for dry weather for tomorrow's hikes.
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