Saturday 21 July 2012

An Excellent Start!

We left the parish hall in sunshine and arrived at Horner in glorious sunshine at about 14.30. After a quick parade and prayers the Troop swung into action and the sound of mallets on pegs resounded around the Horner Valley. In under an hour the patrol tents and kitchen shelters were erected and ready to go. A quick thanks to all the advance party because everything was in readiness when we arrived - they had done a superb job. Stores were soon issued for our evening meal and I had an excellent dinner with the Cheetahs - thanks to Rob and co. A walk round inspection, a few songs in the marquee and onto cocoa. The boys are just having year group meetings and I have slipped out to update the blog before heading back for prayers and lights out at 21.30. Hopefully, I'll have time to add some pictures tomorrow. Tonight, all is well - though the midges are out in force.