Friday 20 July 2012

Advance Party update ...

Reveille this morning appears to have been a very casual affair. It has been reported that Mr Orbell himself didn't surface until 08.45 (I am told some were beginning to worry that something might be wrong) and Mrs Maher an extremely decedent 09.30. Of course all this will change when the lads and I arrive and discipline and order is restored!

Ham, egg and chips for dinner last night washed down with milkshake seems to have been very well received by all and Mrs Maher was sorting lunch as we spoke - homemade sausage rolls from the local butcher I believe. We take our food very seriously in the 9th Wimbledon.

The sky is blue and the sun is shining with the forecast for it to be like that for at least the next four days - all is well in Horner.

Last minute reminders: tea-towels, a torch, pocket money, floppy hat, sun cream and a decent waterproof.

Right - off to continue packing!!