Day 8 & 9
Apologies for missing the last two days of blogging but it gets busy from time to time on camp.
On Saturday morning we had an early start, 07.45, to ensure that we could get inspection done and be off in time for our outdoor activities. The Troop were split into two groups with some heading off to Lake Wimbleball for kayaking, canoeing and paddle boarding, while others stayed near to site for mountain biking and tree climbing.
As one of the minibus drivers I headed off to Wimbleball Lake but sadly couldn't take part as I couldn't afford an injury and not be able to drive back! Thus, once the boys were all safely in appropriate kit (wetsuits, lifejackets and helmets) and split into relevant groups I had little to do but make use of the hot showers and wait in the on site cafe! The goats cheese, asparagus and potato frittata and salad seemed a reasonable rent for the table, seat and use of wifi!
Coming off the water at about 16.00, the boys were very red cheeked and weary but full of smiles and stories of silly adventures on the water. I think a great day was had by all.
On our return to camp we were greeted by Toni (our long time friend in Porlock) who had prepared a fabulous hog roast for us with baps and apple sauce. This was accompanied by coleslaw, tomato salad and new potatoes and followed by millionaires or strawberry cheesecake. A wonderful banquet in the sunshine in the middle of Horner valley. There are perfect moments in life and that seemed like one of them. Some boys were said to have gone back for sixths!
To finish of the evening and celebrate the first week at camp Mr Connor led the HQ and Troop in a meddle of skits, sketches and songs. It was all wonderful fun and my particular highlight was seeing the HQ feed each other breakfast with one person eating and speaking whilst another acted as their hands. Very, very funny!
We finished with night prayers saying a particular thank you to Mike for all his years of service to out community and then off to bed. Very weary but very happy.
Sunday morning's reveille was set at the very leisurely time off 09.30. The PLs organised a series of activities for the Troop and the lads had an informal breakfast whilst the HQ set about preparing and enjoying the HQ breakfast. This is a camp tradition and one of the times when the Scout Leader and Group can thank the HQ for all they do on camp and during the year. They really are a fantastic bunch.
In the afternoon we had another round of the Horner Shield before the APLs took over for a few days and the PLs headed off on their hikes.
Unfortunately, we couldn't arrange for a priest to visit us on camp so we had arranged for a short prayer service in the evening focusing on our patron saint, Saint Ignatius of Loyola, as it was his feast day.
The forecast is looking quite rainy for Monday but we will sleep on it and see what tomorrow brings.