Tuesday, 28 July 2015


Yesterday saw an improvement in the weather. Alternating intermittently between sun, clouds and blustery drizzle. It was one of those days when it is difficult to decide what to wear when and you spend half the day taking jumpers off, putting rain coats on and switching between sandals and waterproof boots. However, this had little impact on the running of the day and the APLs attacked their new responsibilities with vigour. At least two of them returning 'clean sheets' after inspection. This is the ultimate achievement and guarantees bragging rights over your peers! 

The morning's activity was a silly incident course which seemed to be generally well received. Unfortunately, one lad fell backwards and banged his head on the ground. After various checks it was deemed necessary to take a trip to Abergavenny A&E to check him out. Parents were informed and after various checks and scans he was given the all clear. He retuned to the Troop later in the day to a rapturous round of applause from the whole Troop.

After lunch the first to third year participated in a rota of activities - castle walk, sort out kit and afternoon tea in our appropriately decorated marquee. Tables were laid up with table cloths, tea pots and tea cups were filled and homemade cup cakes (made by one scout's very generous grandmother) were enjoyed. It was all very 9th Wimbledon and lovely to witness young boys sitting around a table, enjoying each other's company over a cup of tea and a cake. 

While this was all going on, the fourth year were undertaking the three castles walk as the final part of their Chief Scout Gold Award. They returned weary but happy and promptly built a fire and set about barbecuing burgers, sausages, etc... for their evening meal.

One night on camp is always given over for the older leaders to go off site and enjoy each other's company in a local hostelry. The PLs were content, so I asked Mr Orbell if he fancied joining me in the marquee to tell a few stories of years gone by to our young charges as they supped cocoa and munched on biscuits. So with gas lamps set on dim we set about telling the boys a few tales from our respective time as scout leader. This seemed to go down very well and I think it is important for the younger lads to have a sense of the history and legends of the 9th of which they are now a part. 

Soon boys were in tents and I walked around wishing them goodnight and God bless before instructing our stand in Troop Leader and Assistant Troop Leaders to go round and do lights out. It made me hark back to my time as Scout Leader and I ensconced myself in the marquee with the junior HQ and the very senior leaders and reminisced about times gone by.

Onto this morning and the sun is shining and the sky is clear. A blustery wind is blowing down the field and it should provide perfect conditions to dry out any wet towels or damp shoes. Morning parade is about to be sounded so I will sign off and post later when I can get 3G!