This morning started with a bang - literally! Today is army day and the Troop had a rude awakening with smoke grenades, bangers and blaring music. This year, making its debut, was the 9th tank (top left in the picture). Colonel Causton issued his orders and the boys were soon up parading outside their tents, donning khaki t-shirts and having their faces painted ready for 'training'.
Mr Causton decided that last night was 'night hike' time. An inner
circle of HQ were informed well in advance but no one else was let into
the loop. Just as the PLs were heading off for bed after pop and crisps
they were called back and told to take a seat. They were instructed to
go and get dressed in appropriate clothing, wake up their Third Year and
come back ready for walking the infamous 'Path of the Dead'. The Third
Year, led by Mr Day, went up Horner Hill to look at the stars then back
down, a quick cocoa and bed. The Fourth Year walked deep into the heart
of the forest, criss crossing the river over various bridges, following
rarely used paths to find the site of a desecrated graveyard. There was
much talk of covens and spirits in the wood and things moving 'up in the
distance'. The forest can play tricks on you in the dark and what seems
very innocent on a sun dappled day adopts an extremely different
appearance in the black of night. Mr Causton asked me to lead the hike
and it was very interesting to see which big brave boys weren't quite so
brave when the torch lights went out!
All lots of fun and we were back for cocoa and bed at 01.00. I don't
think the First and Second Year even noticed that anyone had gone. So
the gossip around the breakfast table this morning largely revolved
around the bigger boys telling the smaller boys their adventures from
the night before.
Tuesday saw the return of the PLs to their patrols and another round of
the Horner shield. It's always good when the PLs return and life gets
back to normal. We have been here now for twelve days (some the HQ are
approaching the third week!) but time seems to have flown by. Soon we
will have to turn our attention to packing up our little village and
preparing for the journey home but there is much to be done between now
and then. Tomorrow brings us Operation Gunge. Will the HQ be able to
arrest their record losing streak or will the PLs pull off another
triumph? I know there are some who are already feeling edgy about what
the outcome might be!