Friday 25 July 2014

Friday 25th July 2014

No time for long blogs over coffee today. We were up and about very early after a hearty bowl of porridge to make sure everyone got to their off site activities on time. The Second Year headed off with me for rock climbing and abseiling just off the Lynton coast line. A more scenic and beautiful sight you would struggle to find in this green and pleasant land. We were bathed in sunshine throughout the day - much sun cream and water needed.

The First and Third Year headed off with Mr Causton and others for kayaking and mountain biking. The Fourth Year stayed on sight in the morning to do some re-pitching of Patrol tents but swapped with the Second Year for abseiling in the afternoon. The feedback from the boys over dinner has been very positive (fajitas for dinner tonight - not one of my favourites - followed by blueberry mess).

After a long day, the boys are preparing for a marked evening inspection (this rarely happens in the 9th unless there has been some seriously poor behaviour) but there simply was not enough time this morning if we were to get to activities on time. The boys will be eager for bed when the time comes!

Tomorrow is the mirror of today with all groups swapping activities, followed by hog roast and our mid camp party.......Sunday morning allows us all a lie in. Much to look forward to!

PS You'll be relieved to hear that the amnesty after the free day turned up nothing of concern. I said to the boys that if your mother wouldn't like it please check with me. Either we have some very good boys out there or some seriously liberal mothers! I hope it is the former.

PPS Many thanks for all the post. I know the boys are very grateful. Please keep it coming.